The Lilac Thief
This year I looked for lilacs
off the beaten track
in places no longer tended –
A different kind of boundary,
long rows where once houses stood,
lots now empty.
I love the deeper purple of old bushes,
their crushed bloomets falling into my hand
taken from gnarled bark bearing heavy plumage.
I am the local lilac thief,
that one who stops to follow
the scent of unseen blossoms.
Jacqueline Gens (many years ago)
Here is a fine essay by poet/dakini Annie Finch on Spring's arrival from the Poetry Foundation site.
Updates from Poetrymind for May 2016
- May 5 Lecture/workshop in Pittsfield MA on the Poetics of Uncertainty
- May 7 Next Meditation and Writing Group at the Shelburne Falls Shambhala Center
- May 15 at Khandroling Paper Cooperative we will have a workshop with Dara Juels
The Morris Dancers are out in full force these days. Here's a classic May Day dance/song at dawn:
Then there is our own Packers Corner friends who have celebrated May Day for over forty years with poet Verandah Porche in a photo taken by Poetrymind writing group participant Terry Carter.