I am happy to announce that Barbara Paparazzo's chapbook, The Red Silk Scarf, has been published by Shivastan Publishing ( Woodstock & Nepal) The Red Silk Scarf is the record of a pilgrimage to Bodhgaya, India, showing how grief can become an opening into something larger than ourselves.
The chapbook is $12 including shipping. To order, please contact Barbara Paparazzo at blp@stuaf.umass.edu.
Not knowing better, we hired
a blue canoe and rowed
through reflections of snow-capped
to a small Hindu temple
where black and white goats played
in the sunshine. We snapped
pictures, sat on sun-warmed rocks
& admired the animals about to be
sacrificed, we found out later
& all that gamboling turned inside out
reminding me of that slice
unexpected, brutal
between my life when you were alive
and my life now.
Two pieces, both dead.