Friday, April 11, 2008

Shattered Shangri-La: Depression And Anxiety Widespread In Young Tibetan Refugees

Science Daily yesterday reported that ethnic Tibetan refugees suffer greater depression and anxiety disorders than Tibetan refugees born and raised in exile.

ScienceDaily (Apr. 10, 2008) — A new study led by Emory University School of Medicine researcher Charles L. Raison, MD, is the first to show that depression and anxiety are more prevalent in Tibetan refugees than they are in ethnic Tibetans born and raised in the comparative stability of exile communities in Northern India and Nepal. The study findings were reported in the April 2008, on-line version of the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.

Click above to access the full article.

The author credits several factors including being separated from families and the traumatic experience of the actual escape from Tibet. Tibetan families often send their children into exile or leave in order to obtain educational opportunities in the Tibetan language and culture, as well as freedom of religious practice, that the Tibetan exile communities offer. To experience the traumatic escapes routes from Tibet, I strongly recommend the BBC film from Dispatches below.