Thursday, September 27, 2012

Some Changes

 I retired from my job as co-director of the  New Engand College MFA program in Poetry on June 29, 2012.

I am currently developing a handmade papermaking cooperative at Tsegyalgar East in Conway.MA.

Please visit our blog Khandroling Papermaking Cooperative

Thursday, February 09, 2012

My Annual Losar Poem: Year of the Water Dragon

Year of the Water Dragon

Hail imperial beast
Patient denizen of the underworld
Abiding in the watery abyss
According to tidal lunations
The ebb and flow of necessity
Biding your time beneath the surface
A Loch Ness of ephemeral appearance
Neither here nor there
Until rising at will into the mists of time
To present yourself
At this critical juncture
The Black Era
Honored guest
Master* of wisdom
Manifest perfection

Jacqueline Gens
Conway, MA
Tsegyalgar East
Losar 2012

*The Water Dragon Year is Male. Had it been designated Female, I would have written "Mistress."